What are Blackholes ?
A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so hard (strong or much) that even light cannot escape

What are the types of Blackhole ?

What are the type of Blackholes ?
Black holes can be classified into three types they are :
- The unicorn
- Stellar
- Supermassive
The Unicorn :
These are the smallest blackholes in the universe scientists think they can be the size of just one atom which is astonishingly small.
Scientists think that these type of blackholes are formed at the beginning of the universe
The Stellar :
These are the average sized blackholes. these blackholes can have 20 times the mass of our sun. There could many of these types of blackholes in our galaxy (Milky way).
These types of blackholes are formed when a very giant star collapses. When it happens it causes a supernova
The Supermassive :
The largest blackholes are called the supermassive. These blackholes have the mass of more than one million suns together.
A good example for this is Sagittarius A, it has the mass of almost 4 million suns
These are formed just like the stellar but because of a very very ginormous star collapsing